How to Clean a Belly Button Piercing

Cleaning a belly button piercing is crucial for preventing infection and ensuring proper healing. Taking care of your piercing and following a strict aftercare routine is essential to keep it clean and free from complications. In this article, we will provide you with expert advice and tips on how to effectively clean and maintain your belly button piercing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper cleaning is essential for preventing infection and promoting healing of a belly button piercing.
  • Wash the piercing with antibacterial soap and warm water once or twice a day.
  • Avoid getting soap or other cleaners into or around the piercing, as this can cause infection and drying of the skin.
  • A salt soak can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in half a cup of boiled water, and soak the piercing for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Avoid picking at crusts around the piercing and apply lavender oil to promote healing and reduce tenderness.

Proper Care and Maintenance of a Belly Button Piercing

In addition to regular cleaning, there are important steps to take for the proper care and maintenance of a belly button piercing. It is crucial to follow these best practices to prevent infection and ensure a successful healing process.

  1. Cleaning Crust: To clean any crusting around the piercing, dip a cotton swab in warm water and gently rub away the crust. Avoid picking at the crust, as this can lead to infection and delay healing.
  2. Applying Lavender Oil: Lavender oil can promote healing, reduce swelling, and provide relief from tenderness. Before applying lavender oil, ensure your hands are thoroughly washed. Then, take a clean cotton bud, add a couple of drops of lavender oil, and gently rub it around the piercing. Rotate the jewelry to ensure the oil penetrates inside.
  3. Avoiding Tight Clothing: During the healing period, it is important to avoid tight clothing, as it can cause irritation and slow down the healing process. Opt for loose-fitting clothes that won’t rub against or irritate the piercing.
  4. Keeping Jewelry In: Resist the temptation to remove the piercing jewelry during the healing period. Belly button piercings can close up quickly, and removing the jewelry may hinder the healing process. Only remove the jewelry once the piercing is fully healed.

By following these best practices and maintaining proper hygiene, you can prevent infection and ensure the successful healing of your belly button piercing.

Best Practices for Belly Button Piercing Care Benefits
Clean crust with warm water and cotton swab Prevents infection and delays healing
Apply lavender oil Promotes healing, reduces swelling, and provides relief from tenderness
Avoid tight clothing Prevents irritation and speeds up healing
Keep jewelry in during healing period Prevents closure and ensures proper healing

By incorporating these practices into your belly button piercing cleaning routine and maintenance, you can minimize the risk of infection and maintain a healthy and beautiful piercing.

Dealing with an Infected Belly Button Piercing

Sometimes, despite proper care, a belly button piercing may become infected. It is important to be able to recognize the signs of an infection. Symptoms of an infected belly button piercing include:

  • Excessive redness and swelling around the piercing
  • Pain or tenderness when touched or when the jewelry moves
  • Presence of green or blood-streaked pus

If you suspect that your belly button piercing is infected, there are steps you can take to treat it:

  1. Apply a warm compress to the infected area for 3 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. This can help draw out the infection and alleviate discomfort.
  2. Clean the piercing with an antiseptic cleanser to kill bacteria. Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleanser and avoid using harsh chemicals that may irritate the skin further.
  3. Apply a thin layer of topical antibacterial cream to the infected area. This can help prevent the spread of infection and promote healing.

It is crucial not to remove the piercing jewelry during an infection, as this can trap the infection inside. If the symptoms persist or worsen after 24 hours or if you develop a fever or chills, it is important to seek medical attention. A doctor can provide a proper diagnosis and may prescribe antibiotics if necessary.


Proper aftercare and hygiene are crucial for the successful healing of your belly button piercing. Follow these steps to ensure a safe and stylish experience.

First and foremost, clean your piercing regularly using antibacterial soap and saline solution. This will help prevent infection and promote healing. Avoid overcleaning or using harsh substances, as they can irritate the piercing.

Remember to be patient during the healing period, which can range from 9 months to 1 year. Avoid changing the jewelry until your piercing is fully healed to prevent complications. If you notice any signs of infection, seek prompt treatment and medical assistance to avoid further issues.

By following these guidelines and taking proper care of your belly button piercing, you can enjoy a fashionable accessory while maintaining a safe and healthy environment for your piercing to heal.


Q: How often should I clean my belly button piercing?

A: It is recommended to clean your belly button piercing once or twice a day.

Q: What kind of soap should I use to clean my belly button piercing?

A: Use a gentle, basic liquid soap with no dyes to clean your belly button piercing.

Q: How do I make a salt soak for my belly button piercing?

A: Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in half a cup of boiled water, cool it down, and place the edge of a glass beneath the piercing to soak for 10 to 15 minutes.

Q: Can I use lavender oil to promote healing of my belly button piercing?

A: Yes, applying lavender oil to the piercing can help promote healing, reduce swelling, and provide relief from tenderness.

Q: Should I remove the jewelry during the healing period of my belly button piercing?

A: No, it is important not to remove the jewelry during the healing period, as the piercing can close up quickly.

Q: How can I recognize if my belly button piercing is infected?

A: Excessive redness and swelling around the piercing, pain or tenderness when touched or when the jewelry moves, and the presence of green or blood-streaked pus are signs of an infected belly button piercing.

Q: What should I do if my belly button piercing gets infected?

A: Apply a warm compress to the area, clean the piercing with an antiseptic cleanser, and apply a thin layer of topical antibacterial cream. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical attention.

Q: How long does it take for a belly button piercing to heal?

A: The healing period of a belly button piercing can take from 9 months to 1 year.

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