Double Belly Button Piercing: A Trendy Body Modification

Double belly button piercings are a trendy and fashionable body modification that is growing in popularity. Unlike traditional single belly button piercings, double piercings involve piercing two holes in the navel area, creating a unique and eye-catching look. The procedure involves thorough cleaning of the area and marking two tiny dots to indicate the placement of the piercings.

A hollow piercing needle is then inserted through the marked spots, followed by the insertion of a barbell belly ring. This type of piercing can be performed at various angles around the navel’s rim, allowing for creative and interesting aesthetic designs. Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing process, which typically takes around twelve weeks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Double belly button piercings involve piercing two holes in the navel area.
  • The procedure requires thorough cleaning and marking of the piercing spots.
  • A hollow piercing needle is used, followed by the insertion of a barbell belly ring.
  • Double navel piercings can be performed at various angles, allowing for unique designs.
  • The healing process usually takes around twelve weeks and requires proper aftercare.

Styling and Fashion Appeal

Double belly button piercings offer a chic allure and can be styled in various ways. There is a wide range of belly button jewelry available that caters to different tastes and aesthetics. From simple and minimalist designs to intricate and decorative pieces, individuals can express their personal style through their belly button piercings.

When it comes to belly button jewelry, the options are endless. You can opt for a classic belly button ring with a single gemstone or explore more unique designs like dangling charms or hoops. This allows you to customize your double navel piercing and create a look that truly represents your individuality.

Pairing your double belly button piercing with the right jewelry can add a touch of individuality and uniqueness to your overall style. You can choose to wear matching belly button rings in both piercings for a symmetrical look, or mix and match different styles and colors for a more eclectic vibe. The choice is yours!

This type of body modification has gained popularity among fashion-forward individuals who seek to make a bold and stylish statement. With the versatility and range of belly button jewelry available, you can easily elevate your fashion game and turn heads with your double belly button piercing.

Whether you’re going for a casual and everyday look or dressing up for a special occasion, your double navel piercing can be a stylish accessory that complements your outfit. So go ahead, experiment with different belly button jewelry and embrace the fashion appeal of your double belly button piercing!

Procedure, Pain Level, and Healing

The process of getting a double belly button piercing involves careful preparation, thorough cleansing of the area, and the use of professional piercing tools. The piercer will ensure that the area is clean and ready for the procedure. Two small dots will be marked to indicate the placement of the piercings, taking into consideration your desired aesthetic and the anatomy of your navel. Once the markings are in place, a hollow piercing needle will be inserted through the dots to create the openings for the jewelry.

While the pain level varies from person to person, most individuals experience mild to moderate discomfort during the double belly button piercing process. It is essential to consult with a professional piercer who can provide expert advice and guidance on the procedure. They can help alleviate any concerns you may have and ensure that you are well-informed throughout the process.

The healing period for double navel piercings typically lasts around twelve weeks. During this time, it is crucial to follow proper aftercare practices to avoid infections and promote optimal healing. Your piercer will provide you with specific aftercare instructions, which may include cleaning the area with saline solution or a gentle cleanser. It’s important to avoid tight clothing or excessive movement in the area to prevent irritation and complications. With diligent care and patience, your double belly button piercing will heal and become a beautiful addition to your body.


Q: What is a double belly button piercing?

A: A double belly button piercing involves piercing two holes in the navel area, creating a unique and eye-catching look.

Q: How is a double belly button piercing done?

A: The procedure involves thorough cleaning of the area and marking two tiny dots to indicate the placement of the piercings. A hollow piercing needle is then inserted through the marked spots, followed by the insertion of a barbell belly ring.

Q: How long does it take for a double belly button piercing to heal?

A: The healing process typically takes around twelve weeks with proper aftercare.

Q: What types of belly button jewelry can be used for a double navel piercing?

A: There is a wide range of belly button jewelry available, ranging from simple and minimalist designs to intricate and decorative pieces, catering to different tastes and aesthetics.

Q: Does getting a double belly button piercing hurt?

A: The pain level can vary from person to person, but many individuals report mild to moderate discomfort during the process.

Q: How should I take care of my double navel piercing during the healing period?

A: Following the piercer’s instructions, regular cleaning with saline solution and avoiding tight clothing or excessive movement in the area can help ensure a smooth healing process and reduce the risk of infections.

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