Belly Button Piercing After Pregnancy: Safe Practices and Healing for New Moms

As a new mom, you may be considering getting a belly button piercing after pregnancy as a way to reclaim your sense of style and self-expression. However, it’s important to understand the safe practices and healing process to ensure a positive experience. Professional piercer Castillo recommends following these guidelines to ensure the best outcome.

Firstly, it’s crucial to consult a licensed piercer, even if your belly button piercing has already healed. This is because the body goes through significant changes during pregnancy, and removing the jewelry can help prevent any bacteria buildup. The timing for removing the piercing varies from person to person, so it’s essential to stay in touch with your doctor and monitor the appearance of your belly button closely.

Choosing the right jewelry is also key. Not all body jewelry is suitable for post-pregnancy belly button piercings, particularly for women with “pregnancy outies” where the belly button becomes pushed outward. Metal-based jewelry such as steel, titanium, and gold can be uncomfortable as the belly expands. Instead, consider using bendy bars made of silicone, plastic, or PTFE. These materials offer flexibility and accommodate the changing belly, minimizing any pain or discomfort.

Taking care of your belly button piercing after pregnancy is vital for proper healing. It’s important to note that scar tissue created by a piercing may not stretch uniformly with the rest of the skin, leading to potential scarring. If you’re concerned about scarring, consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon or professional piercer can provide guidance on scar-fading treatments or cosmetic procedures like dermal fillers or laser therapy.

Finally, remember to follow proper aftercare practices. Applying vitamin E oil or scar treatment cream, gently massaging the area to break up scar tissue, and maintaining good hygiene and safety protocols are essential steps in the healing process. Listen to your body, consult with professionals, and make choices that make you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consult with a licensed piercer to ensure a safe and clean belly button piercing after pregnancy.
  • Consider using bendy bars made of silicone, plastic, or PTFE to accommodate belly expansion and minimize discomfort.
  • If concerned about scarring, seek guidance from a board-certified plastic surgeon or professional piercer for scar-fading treatments.
  • Proper aftercare, including the use of vitamin E oil or scar treatment cream, gentle massage, and good hygiene, is crucial for healing.
  • Listen to your body, stay in touch with your doctor, and make choices that make you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

Choosing the Right Jewelry for a Belly Button Piercing After Pregnancy

Not all body jewelry is suitable for pregnant women, especially when it comes to pregnancy outies. As the belly expands, wearing metal-based jewelry such as steel, titanium, and gold can be uncomfortable due to the lack of flexibility.

It is recommended to replace metal jewelry with bendy bars made of silicone, plastic, or PTFE to accommodate the changing belly and minimize pain or discomfort. These materials are more flexible and provide a comfortable fit as the belly grows during pregnancy.

Taking the piercing out early in pregnancy and reinserting it after delivery can increase the chances of it staying open. However, if the piercing does close, it is still possible to reopen it using a small taper under the guidance of a professional piercer.

Taking Care of a Belly Button Piercing After Pregnancy

Proper aftercare is essential for healing a belly button piercing after pregnancy. It is important to note that scar tissue created by a piercing will not stretch uniformly with the rest of the skin, and consulting professionals can help minimize scarring.

Scar-Fading Treatments

Consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon or a professional piercer for scar-fading treatments can help reduce the appearance of scars caused by belly button piercings after pregnancy. Treatments such as dermal fillers or laser therapy can be effective in fading scars and improving the overall appearance of the belly button area.

Aftercare Tips

  • Apply vitamin E oil or scar treatment cream to the pierced area to promote healing and reduce the risk of scarring.
  • Gently massage the belly button area to break up scar tissue and improve blood circulation.
  • Follow proper hygiene and safety protocols recommended by your piercer, including cleaning the piercing regularly with saline solution.
  • Avoid tight clothing that may irritate the piercing and prolong the healing process.
  • Avoid swimming in pools or hot tubs until the piercing is fully healed to prevent infection.

Belly Button Piercing After Pregnancy Care Tips

Caring for your belly button piercing after pregnancy is crucial for a successful healing process. By following these tips and seeking guidance from professionals, you can ensure your belly button piercing heals properly and reduces the risk of complications.

Aftercare Tips Benefits
Apply vitamin E oil or scar treatment cream Promotes healing and reduces scarring
Gently massage the area Breaks up scar tissue and improves blood circulation
Follow proper hygiene and safety protocols Prevents infection and ensures proper healing
Avoid tight clothing Reduces irritation and promotes healing
Avoid swimming in pools or hot tubs Prevents infection before complete healing


After going through the process of pregnancy and childbirth, you may be considering a belly button piercing to reclaim your style and express yourself. The good news is that with the right care and attention, you can safely and effectively achieve a healed belly button piercing after pregnancy.

It is important to remember that every body is different, and the changes experienced during pregnancy and postpartum may affect the healing process. However, by listening to your body, consulting with professionals, and making choices that align with your comfort, you can enhance your confidence and style.

Whether you decide to have your piercing removed during pregnancy or opt for flexible jewelry to accommodate the changing belly, always consult with a licensed piercer to ensure safe practices. Additionally, implementing proper aftercare measures, such as using scar treatment creams, gentle massage, and maintaining hygiene, can aid in the healing process.

Ultimately, getting a belly button piercing after pregnancy is a personal choice. By prioritizing your well-being and working alongside professionals, you can enjoy a safe and healed belly button piercing that represents your unique style and fashion appeal.


Q: When can I get my belly button pierced after pregnancy?

A: The timing of when to get a belly button piercing after pregnancy varies from person to person and depends on how fast the body is changing. It is recommended to consult with a licensed piercer and keep in touch with your doctor to determine the safest time.

Q: How should I choose the right jewelry for a belly button piercing after pregnancy?

A: Not all body jewelry is suitable for post-pregnancy belly button piercings, especially with pregnancy outies. It is recommended to replace metal jewelry with bendy bars made of silicone, plastic, or PTFE to accommodate the changing belly and minimize discomfort. Consult with a professional piercer for the most suitable options.

Q: How can I care for my belly button piercing after pregnancy?

A: Proper aftercare is essential for healing a belly button piercing after pregnancy. Some tips include applying vitamin E oil or scar treatment cream, gentle massaging of the area to break up scar tissue, and following proper hygiene and safety protocols. Consult with a professional piercer for personalized aftercare instructions.

Q: Can I get my belly button pierced after having a C-section or giving birth?

A: It is recommended to wait until you have fully recovered from a C-section or childbirth before getting a belly button piercing. Consult with your doctor to determine when it is safe for you to undergo the procedure.

Q: What complications can arise from getting a belly button piercing after pregnancy?

A: Complications such as infection, rejection, and scarring can occur when getting a belly button piercing after pregnancy. It is important to follow proper aftercare instructions, keep the area clean, and consult with professionals if any issues arise.

Q: What should I do if my belly button piercing closes during pregnancy?

A: If your belly button piercing closes during pregnancy, it is still possible to reopen it using a small taper. It is recommended to consult with a professional piercer for assistance and advice on reopening the piercing safely.

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